Post-Doctoral Position – 2 years

Hi! PARIS is the new interdisciplinary Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created by Instut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris and recently joined by Inria (Centre Inria de Saclay). One of the central aims of Hi! PARIS is to conduct breakthrough and multidisciplinary research on AI and Data Science.

The Hi! PARIS postdoctoral fellows will be expected to undertake research within Hi! PARIS scientific fields, in one of the research laboratories of IP Paris or of HEC Paris. The Hi! PARIS postdoctoral researchers will participate in academic activities organized by Hi! PARIS: research seminars, workshops, conferences, meetups, etc. and provide an annual activity report.

Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded through a competitive selection process. Each Fellowship will be provided for 12 months and can be renewed for another period of 12 months.

Eligibility and admissibility
The postdoc positions are intended for excellent early-career researchers. To be eligible, candidates must:

  • have defended – or be due to defend – their PhD between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2024.
  • have a mentor from IP Paris Paris and a host research group belonging to IP Paris

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